We will include links here to people who were part of the whole fabric of things at the time in order to give some sense of the period and of the people involved.
John McGuffin – the Protestant Anarchist!
Irish Resistance Books – John McGuffin
Cathal Goulding – IRA Chief of Staff
Cathal Goulding. Chief of Staff IRA and later Official IRA.
(PDF Download) Cathal Goulding: Thinker, Socialist, Republican, Revolutionary
Tomas MaGiolla. former IRA & OIRA Army Council.
The Cedar Lounge Revolution: Tomás MacGiolla: Republican, Socialist, Leader, Comrade
independent.ie: Eoghan Harris: Mac Giolla was a true pioneer of good politics
Billy McMillen IRA & OIRA O/C Belfast
Political activist and co-founder of NICRA the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association.
(PDF Download) In Tribute to Billy McMillen
UCC.ie: Funeral of Billy McMillen